Jan 21, 2023Liked by Zei Squirrel

I appreciate your writing on this issue so much! Carlson and Maddow are flip sides of the same coin. I do wish the left would cover WEF however - the left seems to avoid talking about it just as the left avoids criticizing Soros. It seems the left and right each stake out a territory and avoid each others turf. Your excellent writing exposes this. If I could write I would investigate how the left avoiding this topic and the right only dealing with a fraction of the facts in a “limited hangout” style allows the “public/private” fascistic alliance to hide in plain site at these forums https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2023/01/20/at-wef-zelenskyy-urges-speed-and-resolve-in-ukraine/amp/

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One issue I have with RW populists is their false non-interventionism. People like Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Saagar Enjeti, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, etc. say that they're anti-war and non-interventionists and oppose endless wars in the Middle East and the proxy war in Ukraine. But in reality, the reason they oppose endless wars in the Middle East and the proxy war in Ukraine isn't because of a principled non-interventionism or a principled opposition to war, but because they want to use those resources to militarily oppose China. And they openly admit this. You can't claim to be anti-war and then support militarily opposing another country.

Just something else that shows that RW populism is a fraud.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Zei Squirrel

its weird how if u say anything negative about israel or its control over the US its anti-semitic. they never try to disprove it tho, its almost like the truth is anti-semitic. lol

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Great to see somebody dealing with this issue. This hit home with me when I saw Max Blumenthal, a journalist I still respect and follow, hanging out with the racists and neo-fascists of the so-called ‘freedom convoy’ in January 2022, even after the whole circus had been condemned across the board by the Canadian Left. Also the poseur Jimmy Dore and others who claimed to be progressives promoting this as a popular revolt, when in fact it was a mobilization of Canada’s extreme right to destabilize the state. Dore has also joined the right wing mob howling to burn public health officials and scientists at the stake and promoting right wing talking points regarding the COVID pandemic. Fake anti-elitism was used to great effect by the fascists in the mid-twentieth century to co-opt parts of the left. You can see this now with progressives promoting reactionary hacks like Matt Taibbi and Micheal Schellenburger.

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