Mar 16Liked by Zei Squirrel

I think Iran testing a nuke would change things. Part of the problem is Pakistan and if they would be allowed to stabilize Iran wouldn’t need nukes and other regional powers would have acted already. In the event the Israeli state is challenged they would 100% nuke everything around them and Pakistan is the only powerful response they could have. So until another nuclear power appears the Gulf states, in my opinion, will continue to cower under the Gaze of the Israeli/American axis. Even the complete destruction of livelihoods will not get rid of Gazans. The tunnels span for hundreds of miles underneath and any attempt to settle there will be bitterly punished. This scenario I could see Israel becoming capitalist DPRK. But this scenario also shakes out into the “divided world” bucket of choices we currently are barreling towards.

Great article and love reading what you have to say. I’m equally spiteful in my writing and rightfully so.

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Mar 16Liked by Zei Squirrel

With all due respect I humbly entreat your consideration ::: cunts aren't scum. We represent all that is sacred in life. The crone is also a term that I, as a 3/4 centenarian woman of the diaspora claim as status. Let's take back the honorifics of the female that the patriarchal state mutilates by design.

ps. your long form is a treasure that stimulates & incites much thought

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Mar 16Liked by Zei Squirrel

Appreciate that you equally love the word 'cunt' as much as I do.

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