Recently AOC did a pathetic fawning interview with some pseudo-radical Jacobin hack who offered zero pushback and just went along with whatever she spouted and affirmed her so as to help her create the persona of being some radical anti-imperialist hero. It’s an instructive episode in what I have diagnosed before as the pervasive social imperialism on the US “left”.
Read the entire interview that’s ostensibly about AOC’s brave heroic analysis and opposition to US imperialism in Latin America, and focus on what she really says about the key points of not only past, but currently ongoing American genocidal imperialist terror campaigns being waged against Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua in particular.
This the crucial point: she always focuses on the past tense, past actions, not present tense, present actions, because that would commit her to talking about the guy she just recently endorsed as the last bastion of hope against “fascism”, daddy Joe Biden, the butcher of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, who has blood dripping from his hands. Is that imperialism, AOC? Where are you on the millions killed by the guy you just endorsed gleefully, AOC? You utter depraved scumbag ghoul.
But the interviewer hack Denvir of course won’t ask her about that. Then you’ll never get another interview with the based socialist queen. You’ll never get the fawning praise from the liberal progressive creeps in the media class whose approval you hunger for. It’s such a pathetic grotesque display.
How to whitewash imperialism: AOC on “the Maduro regime” and its “feelings” of US interventionism
Let’s continue with the actual content of what she says, and notice again the focus on the past, on history where risks are minimized because she won’t have to take a position on current genocidal imperialist policy including her own stated positions:
Exactly. it’s important to just acknowledge that fact. We don’t have to do it in a close-the-borders, build-the-wall way, but we should acknowledge that it is in fact a problem. And part of that problem is because of US policy. Secondly, in addition to the sanctions, we also have to contend with the fact that Venezuela is a petrostate. Petrostates have a tendency to breed authoritarianism, and it creates this web of complications. Even when it comes to the history of Maduro, as with all of Latin America, there’s a theme where you have an ascendant left movement, then you have US interventionism, which radicalizes the continent. So in Colombia, you have Gaitan, a liberal populist. When Gaitan was assassinated [in 1948], Fidel Castro concluded that an electoral path for the Left was impossible.
And he also looked to Guatemala and the CIA-backed coup there in 1954.
Exactly. It was US interventionism, whether against Salvador [Allende] or Gaitan, that further radicalized an ascendant left. And so you have this example with the elections in Venezuela, where the Maduro regime felt there was an enormous amount of interventionism, whether through sanctions or other means, that they then engage in shutting down. Certain candidates were not allowed to run. There are accusations of extraordinary movements towards voter suppression. This was seen and justified as a response to interventionism. But these actions nevertheless did occur and did happen. And it’s important for a North American left to acknowledge that and to just engage with the nuances and specificities of what is going on there. In addition to that, you have that fact I just mentioned, that Venezuela is a petrostate. There are booms and busts, as with any industry. And when the price of oil goes down, this is a state where 94 to 96 percent of its economy is dependent on oil and begins to suffer dramatically.
First of all, the reference to the “Maduro regime” is grotesque and depraved, and exactly what the CIA line is and has been. This is an illegitimate government, we have to destroy it, and hence we’re going to brand it a “regime” to make these current, ongoing actions of overthrowing it palatable and acceptable. And instead of opposing that propaganda, AOC just repeats it. It’s a “regime”, reduced of course to a single dictator figure Maduro, and then when it comes to the US imperialist terror campaign against Venezuela, she turns it into a “feeling of the Maduro regime”. Do see just how depraved AOC really is? The terror campaign, which is just a purely factual event and runs from the Obama regime to the Trump and the Biden regimes, is turned into a “feeling” of this horrific paranoid dictator Maduro, and his “regime”.
This is how social imperialism functions. You get these Social Democrat pseudo-radicals who claim to be committed to values like justice and equality and fairness and against the actions of the US empire on that basis, and then with that brand, with that rhetoric, they whitewash the exact CIA line, so you get bearded DSA creeps in Brooklyn going “yeah man, the Maduro regime is terrible, the US maybe played a role sort of, at least that’s what they feel over that in that regime, but it’s bad man. I’m going to vote for Biden to stop fascism and imperialism man.” This is the vast majority of the US “left”. AOC represents in all her grotesque depravity the positions of the US “left”. Just look at all the DSA cretins now running defense for Biden and demanding everyone vote for him, following their queen.
The terror campaign against Venezuela, which began with Obama and was ramped up by Trump and continued by Biden, is not a “feeling of the Maduro regime”, it’s an actual fact and has led to at least 40.000 people being killed. Trump openly tried to coup the government. Then as the relentless terror campaign against Venezuela was ongoing, Trump brought it up during his State of the Union and both parties stood up to applaud him.
Ok fine, says the bearded Brooklyn DSA creep, but what has that got to do with my queen AOC? She wasn’t doing that. She was just maybe quiet and not saying anything in opposition to it because it would be used as an attack line against her and it’s smart politics to not give ammo to your enemy (what a great “socialist anti-imperialist” political project you have there: never say anything that will be used to attack you, i.e. never say anything and just endorse Biden).
Sorry bro, you’re wrong. AOC did take a position. She was asked about her position on Venezuela as this relentless genocidal terror campaign was ongoing. Her response was to say “I defer to Democratic leadership on that”. In other words, she agreed with and supported the terror campaign at a time when opposition to it was desperately needed. And now, after the Biden regime was forced to give some concessions on the oil sanctions to counteract some of the effects of the Ukraine proxy war, suddenly AOC comes out and says “yeah maybe sanctions on Venezuela are bad and contributed to the situation there.” Also Venezuela…sorry, I mean “the Maduro regime”, just “felt” that there was US interventionism.
Notice by the way how she doesn’t detail any of it and intentionally leaves it vague, it’s not enough to reduce it to a “feeling”. Ignore the tens of thousands murdered by the economic terror as noted in the clip I linked earlier, the attempts to assassinate Maduro, the attempt to invade the country. It’s just a feeling by a crazed dictator of a petro-state bro.
By the way, the whole “it’s a petro-state, so that’s why it’s authoritarian” serves to downplay exactly what was supposed to be AOC’s epic based anti-imperialist analysis of how US interventionism is at fault for the nature of these countries. Why do you even bring that up when there is clear evidence that the economy was intentionally destroyed by the US, as again Jeffery Sachs has noted. The only reason to bring that up is to undermine the supposedly anti-imperialist point, which was already presented with layers upon layers of “nuance” as we saw, the whole “Maduro regime’s feeling of US interventionism” garbage.
This is a pathetic joke, and the fact that Jacobin and that hack Denvir just went along with it is illustrative of how pathetic the US “left” really is.
I want to go to Cuba before I finish with that cunt Boric, who has become the darling of the Jacobin-AOC “left” for also being a social imperialist like they are.
On Cuba AOC says that the reason Castro became authoritarian, which again is reaffirming and whitewashing the CIA line with pseudo-radical covering and leads to current policy positions that are entirely in line with it as I shall detail shortly, is because of the experience of US interventionism in the region. So the US intervenes, and the “left radicalizes” as a response. Ok, sure, I have pointed out as well that Che Guevara was in Guatemala when the US overthrew the Arbenz government and was indeed compelled by it to adopt a certain political position with respect to US imperialism.
Is that a wrong position? Were they mistaken to adopt a socialist anti-imperialist line wherein defending your state and your people against foreign invasion and CIA terror campaigns is prioritized instead of allowing liberal progressive CIA social imperialists like yourself run amok and help them overthrow the government and immiserating the mass of the population by turning it into a neo-colony of the US again? That’s what you did in Chile. They talk about Chile, but they don’t mention how liberals played an instrumental role in whitewashing the CIA project to overthrow Allende. The liberal capitalist press was hugely important in this. So why are you whining about Castro and communists in Latin America and the rest of the globe for adopting a political programme that is essential for their survival?
Brooklyn DSA bro chimes in: “Yeah sure ok, I listen to blowback pod too, but you can’t seriously expect AOC to point out that Castro was right and Cuba took the correct position to safeguard their revolution in the face of US genocidal imperialist terrorism. That’s just giving ammo to her enemies bro. We can’t have that.”
Yeah thanks bearded cunt. Now fuck off and go yell at people to vote for Biden on twitter and let the serious people talk.
AOC “stands in solidarity” with astroturfed CIA groups trying to overthrow the Cuban Revolution in 2021 while lying and spreading deranged propaganda on their behalf
This omission by AOC on Cuba, where she again does not detail at all any of the US terror campaign against Cuba that it has been waging for over 60 years and crucially is ongoing to this very day, with creating a “Cuban twitter” to foment discord and civil war, infiltrate Cuban domestic media to push propaganda, establish fake hip-hop groups to push anti-government riots, all of which is documented by the mainstream press like the Guardian and is from the past decade up to last year, so it’s not not Grayzone stuff which I know AOC types automatically dismiss as “propaganda”, as they themselves launder actual CIA propaganda, and it’s not stuff going back decades. No, it’s present policy, present action, pursued by the Obama/Biden regime, the Trump regime, and now again by the Biden regime. And she’s silent about it, never talks about it, never calls for these CIA operations to stop, nothing. But she has done something that most starkly reveals her social imperialism.
Of course again the Denvir hack does not mention and is probably not even aware of this because he’s a fucking joke whose entire politics revolves around larping as the edgy pseudo-radical podcaster who then launders social imperialist politicians.
Two years ago there was a contrived CIA operation to foment a civil war in Cuba and overthrow the government. You may have heard of it at the time, all the social imperialists on the US “left” came out of the woodwork to praise this as a brave heroic mass people’s uprising against evil authoritarianism and for democracy and liberty. AOC did the same. As the entire Western media and political class from across the ideological spectrum, conservative MAGA to liberal Warrenite progressive, came out to boost and push this CIA attempt to destroy Cuba like they destroyed Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia (I’ll actually add another note with AOC on that below), our brave socialist anti-imperialist queen AOC put out a statement wherein she used her credentials as a radical to whitewash and launder the CIA terror campaign:
Yes, that statement is real, it’s from her own official account as you can see here where I called her out on it at the time. As I noted there, every part of her statement is a lie. “We are seeing Cubans rise up and protest for their rights like never before.” This is an insane, deranged statement to make. It was literally just a few hundred people at most, and being incredibly charitable for saying a few hundred when it was closer to dozens. And not only that, the media just made up fake protests to boost the numbers, presenting pro-government protests that were actually mass scale and involved hundreds of thousands as being anti-government. But it gets even worse. AOC says that she “stands in solidary” with these few hundred protesters. Who were they? Well we know who they were now beyond any doubt. Of course it was obvious to any serious anti-imperialist leftist at the time that this was a CIA fomented and funded attempt to overthrow the government, just look at the long litany of known recent CIA operations I pointed to earlier. But AOC is a politician, she’s can’t just randomly say this stuff, she needs evidence, our brave heroic anti-imperialist radical can’t just accuse the CIA of trying to overthrow the Cuban government which has been its official policy for decades. That’s too far. Ok, then say nothing. Why are you “standing in solidarity” with them? Do you even know who they are? Is any protest anywhere something you just immediately “stand in solidarity” with? Of course not. She did not stand in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of Cubans who rallied to the defense of their socialist government. She did not stand in solidarity with the Bolivians who stood with Morales (again, more on that below) when that fascist coup was ongoing. She did not stand in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands, millions even who support Maduro. No, she calls it a “regime” which just has “feelings of US interventionism”.
AOC carefully decides who and what she stands in solidarity with, and it’s always what she won’t get criticized over by the establishment media and political class. When something is safe and easy, like standing in solidarity with Lula, she’ll happily join that parade and suck up the branding of being some kind of radical anti-imperialist. But when there’s even a modicum of risk involved for her to stand in solidarity with a beleaguered leftist socialist or even just generally anti-US protest or movement or country, she will never, in a million years do that. Never. You cannot point to a single example of her doing that. Not a single one. If you have one just post it in the comments here, I’ll wait.
But she stands in solidarity with Hong Kong, Taiwan, Ukraine. It’s so brave and heroic of her to stand in solidarity with these people alongside Fox News and the New York Times.
But back to the Cuba case and what she stood in solidary with: Helen Jaffe is one of the world’s most renowned experts on Cuba who has written excellent books on it and is an astute political analyst and observer of current events going on there. She wrote the best, most detailed analysis of this “organic mass protest, like Cuba has never seen before” that happened two years ago, which you can read in full here. Here’s an excerpt from it that I have posted before on the origins of this protest. As you can see there, it began with a Facebook post that contained a planned known CIA slogan to overthrow the government which Facebook accounts had been posting repeatedly since 2019. In other words, a CIA operated propaganda account made a call for a protest ostensibly to be about lack of electricity, but including slogans to overthrow the government that the CIA has been pushing for years. This was during the height of Covid, when the economy was particularly struggling and people were having to deal with blackouts, and so about a dozen people showed up to that Facebook account’s protest call, went to the local police station and ransacked it, and started throwing bottles and rocks. This was filmed on cellphones and became the basis of the propaganda myth of a “mass protest like we have never seen before in Cuba”, to quote our brave socialist queen AOC in her official statement. A dozen people frustrated understandably by blackouts and manipulated by CIA operators as proven fact, not conjecture, was turned into a mass protest movement. Of course these cell phone videos were spread on social media and by the entire Western media and political class to further boost them and fabricate numbers as I noted before by pretending pro-government protesters were actually anti-government. The entire thing was astroturfed.
So as I said at the time and was vindicated because obviously this was a CIA operation, AOC helped to launder and whitewash a CIA astroturfed terror campaign to overthrow the Cuban revolution. This was the moment when actual anti-imperialist solidarity mattered the most, and AOC did not come out in support of the Cuban people and government, who numerally far outnumbered these dozens or if you want to be charitable hundreds of CIA funded and boosted “protesters”. I even would have been fine if she had just said nothing. At best do the stuff about the how the embargo is bad, but say nothing else. Fine, you don’t want to give ammo to Fox New and the NYT to call you a radical supporter of dictators, don’t defend the Cuban revolution, but then also don’t larp like you’re some radical anti-imperialist when you never dare take a principled position on anti-imperialism.
But no, she did the unforgivable and went to the other side of the barricades. She stood with the CIA, the military-industrial complex, Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Nancy Pelosi, Biden, the New York Times: in short, the entire Western media and political class which has been obsessively arrayed against Cuba and wants to destroy it at any cost. And when you cross that line, it’s over. I will call you out for it and never stop doing so until and unless you acknowledge what you did and actually take up principled anti-imperialist positions. But she will never do that. Even on Palestine, her only bright spot in terms of foreign policy, she retracted her vote against funding the Iron Dome of the genocidal Israeli apartheid regime, and she has never defended the right of the Palestinian to armed resistance against their occupiers, like she does with Ukraine where she votes to fund literal Azov Nazis.
Then there’s China. There has been a relentless deranged hysterical propaganda campaign by the Western media and political class from across the ideological spectrum, from Tucker Carlson to the NYT, pushing for a new Cold War against China. This has been going on for years now and is only getting worse by the day. On Ukraine we already know that AOC is totally beholden to the CIA line and has never voiced any criticism of pushing for the war to continue endlessly by sending funds and arms and refusing to even consider diplomacy because that is a “Putin talking point”. On China she has also been completely silent, until this interview. We finally get to see what AOC thinks about this propaganda campaign leading to a proxy war in Taiwan that will make Ukraine seem like a minor event by comparison given the massive role China plays in the global economy. I present to you AOC’s heroic brave anti-imperialist position as voiced to Jacobin: “If we continue to pursue escalation with China, we’re really not going to end up in a good place.”
Wow. That’s amazing. If you seriously buy into this stuff, and are actually convinced by this interview that you have a staunch anti-imperialist critic of US hegemony in Congress, I genuinely feel sorry for you. You have intentionally turned yourself into a gullible naïve lemming because you liked the superficial symbolic affect of radicalism which has no foundation to it at all.
If you want to see someone actually opposing that deranged propaganda, see Yanis Varoufakis in this thread, and again Jeffrey Sachs here. I also highly recommend John Pilger’s excellent documentary The Coming War on China.
AOC “standing in solidarity” again, 2019 fascist military Christian fundamentalist coup in Bolivia edition
I promised two more things I would get to, Boric and AOC on Bolivia as the coup was ongoing in 2019. To deal with the latter quickly, when that fascist coup was ongoing, liberal progressives played a key role in legitimizing it (again, as they did in Chile), spreading all this garbage about how Morales was an evil authoritarian dictator who rigged the election, all of which was proven to be false as even the New York Times admitted when it was clear that the CIA op had failed miserably, but others had been saying this already in 2019, showing that the OAS claim that the election was rigged was false and clearly part of a CIA attempt to block Morales and overthrow him and replace him with a US puppet Christian fundamentalist fascist.
What did AOC do as this fascist military coup was ongoing? She proudly met with an anti-Morales liberal progressive group who legitimized the fascist coup, and said she shared their concerns about “supporting their grassroots democracy movements” by which they meant the movement that had just overthrown Morales who had legitimately won his election in a landslide:
More on Ana Carola Traverso who AOC met with and supported, from this piece:
On 16 November 2019, a picture was tweeted showing the US ‘progressive’ Democratic representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez holding the Bolivian flag, flanked by four other people. One of them, Ana Carola Traverso, the originator of the tweet, wrote: ‘We met @AOC to discuss Bolivia and expressed concerns over her earlier tweet. Also chatted about current violence & democracy. She strongly supports our democratic grassroots movement and urges the interim president to stick to their mandate and call for new elections!’ Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘earlier tweet’ would have been the one describing the events unfolding in Bolivia a few days earlier as ‘a coup, not democracy’. Ana Carola Traverso is a member of the pro-coup NGO Rios de Pie. The tricolour Bolivian flag was much used by those involved in the coup as a counterpoint to the Bolivia’s indigenous, plurinational Wiphala flag. The whole sorry spectacle just goes to prove once again that you don’t have to scratch a liberal façade very hard to reveal the imperialist that lies beneath.
It’s ok though, when it became safe and no longer had any risks involved AOC happily jumped on the “OMG BOLIVA IS SO BRAVE AND HEROIC” bandwagon, though hilariously it’s not mentioned at all in that interview with her even though it’s the most egregious recent example of US imperialism in Latin America. I guess she didn’t want to bring attention to her own past statements on it.
AOC in power: The depraved social imperialism of Chile’s Boric
Finally to deal with the matter of Boric. AOC of course predictably effusively praises him in that interview and they both love each other, they’re both clones of each other after all. Soc-Dem social imperialists whose primary concern is their personal political careers and futures which they believe lies firmly in the liberal-progressive mainstream. That’s why Boric goes to events in the US and Europe and spends his time smearing Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, China, any Official Enemy of the US State Department, and of course these clips go viral on social media with everyone from the Matt Iglesias to the epic queens DSA bros soyfacing over it. “OMG IM SO GLAD WE HAVE A REAL LEFTIST WHO CALLS OUT THESE EVIL MONSTERS INSTEAD OF A TANKIE LIKE LULA.”
But what is Boric’s own record in government? Aside from being among the if not the most despised leaders in all of Latin America with huge disapproval ratings and his loss in the constitutional vote and his certain landslide loss that is going to come with the next election, helping to usher in a far right government with his gross incompetence, Boric has been overseeing a fascist crackdown of native peoples in Chile, sending his police force to attack, imprison and kill and imposing curfews on them. Excerpts from the linked piece:
Boric has kept troops in the south while trying to salvage the constitutional process. “Until the government can assure us that we won’t be marginalized, or have guns pointing at us, then and only then I would talk,” Soto says. “We need to sit at the negotiating table, and Boric hasn’t done anything at all.” “The police have drones [watching us] all night,” Soto says. Three years ago, she says she was detained and beaten up. A policeman, pressing his boot onto her neck, dislodged her shoulder.
I know most of you don’t know about the Mapuche and their heroic anti-capitalist struggle for self-determination, but I really do recommend you read that piece. It’s like a real-life Avatar, with a fascist imperialist regime destroying trees and the environment as a brave heroic group of natives resist it by any means they can. Boric is the leader of the former, just to be clear. For more on his fascistic actions that trample on human rights, see his violent cracking down on peaceful protesters exactly like the previous Chilean regimes have done and his ramming through of laws that vastly expands the power of the police and military and gives them the license to kill. Just earlier today he sent his police to attack peaceful protesters commemorating Allende. I thought AOC and the US pseudo-radical “left” was against police brutality and for defunding the police? Why are you praising a guy who has done the exact opposite? Incidentally, someone who has repeatedly criticized Boric’s pathetic pandering to the US-NATO empire is Lula, and of course he is entirely correct, just as he was entirely correct on calling out the CIA propaganda against Cuba during the attempt to overthrow the revolution, while AOC was “standing in solidarity” with the CIA astroturfed “protests”. Here again AOC does not take any position in the interview, just mentions that there are “disagreements” and moves on.
No one in the epic based soc-dem US “left” media class has said anything about any of this. You write pieces on Venezuela and Cuba being evil human rights abusers in Jacobin, why not point to Boric’s horrific record on human rights? Oh right, you don’t actually care about human rights, you’re advancing a specific political project which is fundamentally social imperialist in nature. The Mapuche people have a legitimate right to self-determination, according to Boric and AOC who say the same about others across the globe. So why is Boric, AOC’s political twin and beloved hero, allowed to impose a fascist crackdown on them without you saying anything? AOC probably doesn’t even know about the existence of the Mapuche people. But she knows about the Uyghurs, there is no doubt about that. By the way, I am consistent in this: Hawaiian natives (kama'aina), Basques, Mapuche, Scotts, Uyghurs, any peoples who want to have self-determination, should have the right to advocate for it without suppression by any state. But the Spanish regime violently cracks on the Basque people, Boric’s regime on the Mapuche, the English regime constantly hampers Scottish independence, and China also yes does similar with the Uyghurs. But I will only accept criticism of that from those who have the same critiques of the others, because then you’re dealing with someone who is principled.
In fact, as I noted in my piece on social imperialism, they should be infinitely more focused on the former, since their own governments, their own regimes, are actively involved in that suppression so only by speaking out against that can you have some impact on it. Let me know when you’ve found someone who whines incessantly about the Uyghurs, which incidentally is a cause heavily pushed by the CIA (the so-called “World Uyghur Congress” is proudly funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, which is a CIA front) and a Nazi Christian fundamentalist by the name of Adrian Zenz, who also has advocated for the self-determination of these other peoples. Good luck finding one in the Western media and political class. It’s certainly not AOC or Boric.
A final point in response to the DSA bros who love their AOC queen and defend her with the whole “she can’t do that, it will give ammo to her enemies, it’s actually politically smart to never take any principled anti-imperialist positions!”, that wasn’t the standard she ran on. Her standard was the one she talked about below, and she lied, and you are now defending her because you too have no principles and are fundamentally committed to the American imperial project as you benefit from it directly and indirectly, as the entire US media and political class does, your queen included.
DSA is a big red flag to me. These clowns are nothing more than liberal, center right Reagan conservatives, cosplaying as people pretending to give a fuck. They don't. It's all virtue signalling.
Richard Medhurst put it best:
“And then they [the Squad] call themselves “progressive”…what the fuck does that mean? You’re an Imperialist who wants Healthcare.”